Friday, May 10, 2013

Welcome to Detroit!

So my husband and I have moved pretty quickly to follow a job offer that we felt was provided by God for us.  We had been feeling a little restless - as though life was going to change for us soon, we just weren't sure how.  We were happy in Tampa...the weather is great, our friends were even greater, my parents were nearby and we were part of a church that loved Jesus and is doing wonderful things for the community -

Ooooh and how life has changed in just a matter of a few months!  We left sunny Tampa, Florida, in February this year to settle on the outskirts of Detroit, Michigan in the middle of winter.  My first few weeks here involved 2 snowstorms, a car accident, the family dogs not getting along, and a bunch of dead ends while searching for a house to rent.  With all changes in life come new adventures however, and I am trying to take the bad in stride with all the good that we have experienced here.  This blog is my attempt to process and document my explorations and experiences in the city of Detroit and the areas surrounding it.  It is a city that has been through a lot and has a bad rap in the rest of the U.S.  My hope is that this blog will be yet another site that talks about all of the beautiful places and people that can be encountered here.

I'm also pregnant with our first baby, as if that alone isn't change enough!  We are excited to welcome her soon and I am sure that a portion of my posts will talk about being a new parent. I will be a stay-at-home mom for now so I'm sure you will hear about how that is going as well.  Enjoy!